Thursday, 5 January 2012

Happiness is the currency of life.

Money can buy you most things in life.  Houses, cars, diamonds, pretty much anything.

The wealthy are often envied in society.  This is mostly because the culture we live in often values material over emotional richness.

But happiness knows no credit cards, no ATM machines, no wage slips.

I have been lucky enough to experience certain things in my life that without money are difficult, and I have had a great time doing them.

Holidaying in the Maldives for example, was truly spectacular.  Going to different music festivals, amazing.  Et cetera, et cetera...

But these, along with many others weren't solely down to where I was or what I was doing.  They are made by the people I experienced them with.

It's no surprise that the happiest are not always the wealthiest.  Money gives you a certain comfort in life.  But more important than earning money, is earning the love and respect of those close to you.  If you succeed at this no amount of financial hardship can break you.

When you find a person, or people who make you happy at your core, hold on to them, treat them well and respect them, because when you find yourself without them you soon realise just how important they were.


  1. Keturah Wahrmann-Harry5 January 2012 at 18:00

    True....Happiness is the currency of life but money is the currency of the world in which we all live. We often (and incorrectly) make the consequencial assumption that money does/not lead to one's sense of happines. I think this is false, as financial hardhsips most often times can cause unhappiness within relationships and btwn the people in them, especially when those people are the ones you love. Instead of thinking that happiness, and not money, is the currency of life, I choose to believe that happiness is the result of a combination of quality relationships and finacial stability; all components that work hand in hand and not in isolation of each other;)

  2. Happiness.

    It is apparent that in the world that we have created, money is seen as the 'B all' and 'End all'.
    This in my observation is a complete illusion.

    Whilst realising that we use money to get us things, that we believe are important to sustain a level of happiness, I have come to understand that this is often the product of a consumer society, that forces us to agree, that without X, Y or Z we are not going to be happy. Take a look at people who live in the poorest countries of the planet, who have sweet F.A. materially. They are smiling aren't they.? Why then do we think our way is the best one?
    I don't want to just randomly make quotations, but please consider this one.

    “Happiness is a state of mind”.

    Try talking openly about money/finances to your family and discussing options, if money matter are on your mind. Give them a big hug and tell them that you love them. This will make them smile far more than anything money could buy. It is not the money that can bring happiness but your relationship with that person. If you can laugh in the face of adversity, nothing can take away from you your personal happiness. People say that the love of money is the root of all evil. I say, it is not the actual cash/money that is evil/bad, but what the person wanting it believes can be achieved by having it, where the error (evil/badness) lies. Consider carefully what that money could do. Changing a set of outward circumstances will be short lived, if we hang on those beliefs.
    Changing how we see those needs, changes everything.

    Peaceful Warrior.
