Monday, 8 August 2011

The London Riots...

Shameful.  Shocking.  Embarrassing.  Childish.  Ignorant.  These are some of the words that come to mind as I watch the news footage of the London riots and subsequent riots across the UK.

On Thursday August 4th, Mark Duggan was shot dead by police who had tailed him in a minicab.  He was said to be carrying a gun and quite obviously had a criminal background and criminal links.  I don't know whether he was rightfully shot or not but quite frankly there hasn't been enough time to find out.  Of course I don't think the police should go around shooting people but for Mr. Duggan's brother to claim that he was a gentle family man is way off the mark - that kind of person doesn't carry a gun.  Also, I read that his wife had said they planned to move out of the Broadwater Farm area and 'start a new life' - it's amazing how many people say that but never do...

From this incident, a group of people gathered outside the police station demanding answers.  Fair.  However, a number of people then decided to take to the streets and cause havoc.  I can't even call it a protest because the only thing I've seen is violence and criminality.  Smashing up cars, setting them on fire, burning down buildings and shops, attacking the police.  None of those are constructive in the slightest and quite frankly have nothing to do with the death of Mark Duggan - his death has acted as a catalyst for what has subsequently happened.

These individuals have gone on to loot shops in Tottenham, Enfield, Brixton, Wood Green, Westfield, and in the short space of writing this I can add Hackney, Peckham, Lewisham, Deptford, Catford and more.  These people in my eyes are worthless, unintelligent scum.  I'd say 99% probably had never met Mark Duggan, yet they have decided to go out and cause as much damage as possible, essentially in his name - thankfully his family have condemned their actions.  These individuals are caught up in some sort of deluded buzz, running around with their hoods up, posting their activity on social networks and taking part as if it's some sort of recreation.  

Any parent of the individuals responsible should be utterly ashamed.  They should feel great responsibility.  You brought these people up with these morals.  You brought these people up to think that this sort of behaviour is acceptable.  I know that even if I walked past an empty PC World with people streaming out with goods in hand that I would walk away - because I know that it is wrong.  People's livelihoods have literally gone up in flames over the past few days, and for what, in the name of what - nothing.

Unfortunately, many (not all) of the individuals I have seen to be involved are black youths (just to be clear I am not at all claiming that it is solely black youths responsible and I do understand the part the media can play in creating these images).  Yet this angers me greatly.  If any of you read this you are giving every law-abiding black person out there a bad name, you are making black people look like criminals, like animals, like ignorant pieces of dirt who have nothing better to do than cause trouble.  Not to the average person out there in the world, but you are provided the casual racist with easy material to add to their hatred.  For this you should be most ashamed.  You are a fucking disgrace.  You all are! Every race, every age, you are a disgrace!  If people cause chaos because they believe it to be a means to an ends I can at least understand the reasoning, even if it is far fetched and unfounded.  Yet the people I have seen in the last fews days have been doing it simply for the sake of it.  Copy cat vandalism and sheer criminality.

Lastly, I am fearful of what lies in store for London in the days ahead.  If the police and the government don't get a grip of this I honestly don't know what might happen.  Why have the Prime Minister and Mayor of London been on holiday all this time?  Why has the army not been brought in to deal with this?  I think that would quickly make these individuals re-think and retreat.  We have been slow to act and what we have done has not been good enough.  If I was a religious man I would be praying tonight.

I'd be really interested to hear what you think?

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  1. Well written mate, but I think that all thats going on goes way deeper than Mark Duggans shooting, that seems to have been a catalysis which has has given young people a reason to go out and kick off, it is all uncondonable criminal behavior, but this sort of reaction is not normal, when has this ever happened across the whole of London. If this is how young people are reacting, why so? Maybe lack of jobs, lack aspirations, lack of opportunity, baring in mind that all the places that are really kicking off have had some of the harshest cuts in recent months. Its summer, no schools, youth centers closed down due to cuts aswell, these people dont know better and are not being shown that they can have better by the powers that be.


  2. Not much to disagree with - I am fed up listening to some of the "community leaders" who are talking absolute tripe - this has nothing to do with the cuts, they haven't been felt yet, nothing to do with EMA being taken away. Whilst I, as a parent, agree that parents have a responsibility, I truly believe that absent parents (and I do mostly mean fathers) have an awful lot to answer for! Boys need positive men in their lives, fathers, uncles, grandads, godfathers or whatever, many of these ferrel youths have been raised in families where nobody has ever worked so they think that they too can get by with doing the same and that everything is somebody else's responsibility or fault. I would love to see those identified as being looters rounded up and sent to a boot camp to learn some self respect and discipline - prison is no good unless you are going to stipulate that they can't leave until they have qualified to do something, learn a trade or pass their exams.

  3. Hey Sam,
    This is pretty impressive and I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s a shame that individuals have got to this extent to prove a point- and I totally agree I think this goes way beyond what happened on the 4th of August. As much as I would like to put blame on the parents, I think, yes they might have a huge part to play in this, but I also think the main responsibility does lay on the individual themselves. These individuals made choices and to go out present such disgraceful behaviour. They seem to have forgotten that they live in these communities, that they are destroying their own opportunities. Until they wake up and smell the coffee they will realise how stupid and how they have shot themselves in the foot. They have forgotten that they strive in these places, displaying behaviour based on some reasoning that I cannot understand. To loot, burn cars, and other individuals’ lives presents an evil, selfish aspect of an individual. They really must be ashamed of themselves.


  4. racist. how could you watch the tv and see different rasces and creeds and colours of people rioting and looting and blame it all on black youth? That is the ignorance that has london in this situation in the 1st place!

  5. also please name me the police officer who has been apprehended and charged with the killing of any of the 100 or so black and asian people that have died in police custody!
    No i do not condone the rioting and definitely not the arson but i understand it, which is a lot more than can be said for the police, the politicians the majority of the public and ...... you!

  6. In response to the last comment: Have a look at my profile picture and you will see that I am a mixed race male (dad black mum white) - I am clearly not racist. I am saying that as a black man it pains me to see so many black youths running riot on the streets and reinforcing negative stereotypes of black youths. I understand that not everyone involved is black. But a large amount of the footage I have seen has suggested that many have been involved. I promise you I am not a racist. I just don't like a race of people to be tarred with one brush - as I have seen today on social networks such as twitter.

  7. You are right. I do not understand it. Please explain to me why people are rioting, looting and committing crimes such as arson?

  8. I am a black male 28 years old, investment banker, and live in Ilford.

    The effects of the past three days are a visible indication of the desperation of humans, and the hopelessness of the youth.

    The actions are to be condemned WITHOUT exception.

    The issues to be addressed are WHY do individuals want to destroy property and show zero respect for their fellow men?

    The answer is because they have more to gain through disobeying the law, then through obeying the law. If you disagree you have to recalibrate your thinking from a long term view of life to a short term view...

    Those of us that have adequate resources to improve our lives and better our personal situations, would never even consider engaging in the brazen robbery and vandalism seen. Why? Because we have too much to lose...

    Unfortunately this is human behaviour.
    It is sad, but it is true.

    Society worldwide is failing. Finally the our shallow, superficial, capitalist, selfish nature is beginning to impact us. The trouble in the UK, europe, Arab nations, these are all manifestations of the damage we have inflicted on OURSELVES.


  9. Very good Blog Sam, it is sad that your predictions have come true!

  10. Hi Michael

    Thanks for your comment. I get what you're saying about gaining through disobeying the law. They are getting huge publicity. If this was a political movement or something of the like I would totally agree with you. But it's not.

    These individuals have not given any reason as to why they are behaving in this way. They have no leader. No movement name. They are groups of individuals seeming to jump on this criminal band wagon in the name of fun it seems.

    I absolutely agree with you that society is failing. I just wish our government saw that and stopped the chaos before it really gets out of hand and people actually start getting physically hurt.

  11. For those of you who have read my blog and think that I am singling out black people you have misunderstood. I have change the wording of the relevant paragraph to try and add some clarity.

  12. It is absolutely fucking BULLSHIT that this is about social inequalities or a lack of opportunities. This shit is being organised via BLACKBERRIES. These peoples criminality is motivated by materialistic greed. They are going around with a LIST OF SHOPS for fucks sake. A list of shops that stock the things that they want.

    These people are vermin.

  13. Hi Sam, I am a friend of your mother as I worked with her for a number of years in London and am now back in Australia and to watch this senseless destruction unfold makes me sick to the stomach. My son is mixed race and I agree with you that these people are giving all decent hard working, law-abiding citizens a bad name, especially, as you say, black youth. I have friends in the police force and I understand what a hard job it is on any day but this sort of business puts them in unnecessary danger as well as normal peace loving members of the community. To go about this lunacy with their hoods up, faces covered just proves that they are cowards. A lot of their parents are probably church going people and would be mortified to know that their sons were involved in this sort of action. You're right also to ask why they have not brought in the Army, National Guard, SAS rather than leave the already fully-stretched police force to cope with this dilemma. I am worried for my police friends and all my friends in the UK but I have to sit back and watch this play out from 12,000 miles away. Sam, your Mum has raised a fine man and your blog was so well written that, at first, I thought I was reading a proper newpaper article. You have a grand future ahead. Best Regards, LC

  14. My cousin is not racist, he is making a statement, something we are all in agreement with. These are criminals, white, black, whatever colour (all seen on the BBC). Two drunk girls at Croydon spoke to a reporter at 9am this morning (after looting a wine store) saying they are targeting rich people. Since when has a dominoes pizza worker, or an off licence worker been bloody rich! It makes me sick.

    Dee Dee

  15. Your spot on I'm afraid to say. It's all morality and respecting your fellow citizen. It's about the UK's culture. Is caring about your education cool or wearing a hoody and looting something?

    Thank you for post.


  16. Thank you LC. Thank you Dee Dee. Thank you James.

    Appreciate all the comments. Follow the blog for more posts.


  17. 'it's amazing how many people say that but never do...'

    - Shanks

  18. Water cannons have never been used in Great Britain - so your point about the student protests is erroneous. There was talk at the time of police being given the all clear to use cannons, but this was swiftly quashed by the Home Secretary.

    Secondly, there are a number of problems with bringing in the army - not least of all the moral hazard.

    To begin with, involving the army sends a very clear message - that the police are a fairweather unit and they're neither equipped nor trained to stand their ground when things get messy. This isn't something we want assumed, unless we intend to call in the tanks ever more frequently.

    Furthermore, there is a clear and essential distinction between the hierarchical structure of the police versus that of the army. Namely - the army reports directly to the government. The army are not a weapon of justice - they are an amoral, apolitical and essentially unquestioning force of brute power who follow orders which ultimately come from the Prime Minister.

    Establishing a police state may be fairly harmless (I don't think any of us expect David Cameron to make a wild grab at a dictatorship), but the idea of a government using a private militia with no independent moral compass to quash a public uprising is draconian to say the very least.

    Finally, why don't people just say what they mean when they call for the army? It isn't the ARMY that they want - it is guns. People want weapons out in force, and this is an attitude we need to nip in the bud right now. There's a reason that the vast majority of police officers do not carry firearms. The moment we start deferring to guns to solve trouble, its another message to the public that they should look into doing the same thing.

    Yes, this whole affair is tedious and humiliating, but its important to keep perspective. A hysterical reaction will nearly always be the wrong one.

  19. It was brought to my attention that my comment about the student protests was wrong earlier in the day so I have removed that from the blog.

    As far as the army goes, I believe that things have got so bad that something different needs to happen. It's all very feel Teresa May saying that we police side by side with the community, but when the said communities are in disarray the comment surely becomes void.

    I strongly believe that an army presence will soon make these individuals re-think their behaviour. It's all well and good saying that it will make the police look weak but that is what is appearing to be true right now. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Thanks for the post.

  20. Again - PERSPECTIVE. Desperate measures are precisely what ISN'T needed.

    It should be apparent that thousands of armed men patrolling the streets isn't an appropriate way to react in a 21st century liberal nation.

    You also seem to have sidestepped my points about the constitutional and moral hazard of deploying the army, and the precedent of operating a police force armed to the teeth.

    Brutish displays of power will probably solve the problem in the short term, but its exactly the kind of hysterical reaction which will be problematic in the long term.

    You have to approach a crisis of this nature with a very clear moral agenda, and the vast majority of bloggers and facebookers seem to have nothing of the sort. "Desperate times call for desperate measures" is a primary school attitude, and thankfully it isn't the sort of attitude on which the government and the military take their decisions.

  21. It is wishful thinking to think that there is one solution for both the short and long term problems. The short term problem is anarchy across the streets of London. The long term problem is way more deep rooted than that and cannot be solved overnight.

    I do not believe that the army should be the answer to all problems but if the reinforcements tonight do not produce better results than the past few days then the options are limited.

    I think it is a little naive to think that this isn't a serious problem.

  22. Well, I didn't say it wasn't a serious problem. In fact I called it a 'crisis'. But in my mind a crisis still doesn't constitute calling in the army.

    And I agree with you that there isn't a single solution which can solve things in both the short and long-term. What I disagree with you on is your view that the short-term issue should be solved at any cost.

    The prevailing attitude at the moment is extreme - and this is precisely what we need to be wary of.

    YES the behaviour is appalling and neanderthal, but this is a problem that goes to the very core of this country's make-up. We have a social lower class who are unrepresented, disconnected and apathetic. We're addressing people who come from generations battered down by socio-economics, uninspired by politicians and authority figures and therefore left to their own devices. A moral compass is NOT genetic. These people aren't inherently evil. They've made a conscious choice to engage in looting and vandalism and violence, but that conscious choice has been governed by the situation they were born into.

    This is a long-term problem which won't be solved by calling in the army, but it could certainly be made a whole lot worse.

  23. Some of you people are FUCKIN' dizzy!! are you kidding yourselves that its is only black working class young men/boys that are rioting!! if witnessed with your own eyes, not through the propaganda machine, you'd see there were alot "young" white professional types!!

    And why is it, if one black person does something, fools are like "you making every black person look bad", that in itself shows great levels of societal racism, what? every black person is tarred with the same brush?! however, some whity does something "bad", there just individuals acting on their own accord!!!

    second why the FUCK does this "political movement" need a leader and or name for it to be legitimate!! also individuals who are "rioting" do not have the means to broadcast reason for burning, looting and general foolishness! i see so much more in the chaos than just mindless violence!! it's about status and the marginalisation of some groups of society!! looting = material = status (commodity fetishism)!! so much about these riots are about social class...

    the things individuals have been saying about these riots have shown me there a large false classed consciousness, that so many people are suffering from!!

    it pisses me off that people SO institutionalised and fearful of a little descent.

    if you think these people are just fuck ups, well IT TAKES A FUCKED UP SOCIETY, TO MAKE THEM that way!!

    Viva la Revolution!!

    the revolution will not be televised!!


  24. Hi Sam,

    I am with Michael here.

    We, as a collective, have brought this unto ourselves. It is simply the natural backlash of unregulated ignorant capitalism and soulless materialism we have all created.

    These riots, the riots in other countries(even if apparently they have nothing to do with the ones in London), the Greek problem, the Portuguese problem, Chile(let's learn from many of THEIR intelligent/artistic riots) the Spanish revolutions, the east riots, Iceland's barely known(boycotted by the media) recent story, Bush becoming president, Obama failing to worldwide expectations, the US market fall, the global economy fragility, the curruption, the greed, the corporocracy, the mindless globalization, the debtocracy, monopolies AND OF COURSE POLLUTION AND GLOBAL WARMING... Ones are reactions to this System, others are just reflections/repercussions of it. These are ALL very expected. It is not at all surprising, if one puts his soul to what the global minds are doing.

    It is nonetheless VERY SAD of course, but it is the way it is. Action-Reaction. The Universe knows no other way. All of this is needed for the global consciousness to start realizing little by little that we have been walking in the wrong direction for a while now, and it is time humanity takes a TURN.

    How can you create an equal world, if our education is based on competition? Weren't we taught to become 'better' than others? To have more and better than others? That otherwise we would be in the bottom of the pyramid?
    NEWSFLASH: If you create a pyramid, the largest number of people has to be at the bottom of it, and very few will get to stand on top.

    We are all part of this pyramid if we live in this society. So we ALL need to start to dismantle it and figure out new ways. It is only a matter of 'race' for the small minded... those who view their race with different eyes, or those who view other races with different eyes. Fortunately, many of us can see past through such concepts as 'race', 'sex orientation', 'likes', 'religion', 'what team you support'... There are no BAD people nor GOOD people. Don't take sides, we are all brothers, all ONE. We ALL feel alone and scared sometimes, we ALL bleed and we ALL have orgasms! But many haven't had the chances you and I have had. Many were doomed to ignorance and a life with no compassion. To live without the comforting presence of Love must not leave much room for enlightenment.

    In conclusion, as much as part of me feels compassionate and revolted about what's happening, I find it urgent to realize how this is all part of a bigger, urgent and naturally occurring process called Evolution. And the more of us people realize this, the more people can begin to find peace in their daily life through the continuously changing path of Evolution.

    My compassion goes to all, even to all of the rioting people(for they do not know about action-reaction and because they too, as we, are victims of our own ignorant actions and system, and will sooner or later suffer the consequences in some way or another).

    I'm sorry I wrote such an extended comment, but it all came pouring out of my soul and I could not have written this any other way. THANK YOU SAM, this actually helped me to find a little bit of peace in such a chaotic and confusing time.


  25. Reply to G:

    To address your first point. I have not at one point suggested that this is only black people committing these crimes. I absolutely know that there are several other races involved. My point was that I understand how news pictures can be perceived and that those people out there with racist beliefs would see it quite simply as 'black youths' causing trouble. This view has subsequently been backed up by reports yesterday of the National Guard and BNP mobilising on the streets. However this whole race aspect was only a small part of my post.

    Secondly, I'm not quite sure how you or anyone else can call what's going on a 'political movement'. It's nothing but sheer criminality. A reason behind it was only an after thought. If you asked one of these thugs why they were doing what they were doing I reckon You honestly believe that stealing TVs and trainers can be described as political. Yes absolutely there is a disparity in class in this country and some areas have deep rooted problems but these riots are not about that. Do you think that if we gave all these people a new TV, some speakers, maybe some clothes, that they would go off and be happy. No.

    This is about causing trouble pure and simple, which is why we have seen the riots start in different areas of London and now the UK as a whole. I've seen footage of youths mulling over a decision of which shop to loot, "oi let's go get some watches" one of them says - is that what you call a political movement? Political movements I've seen had had a clear reason behind them, a revolt by a group of society with passion for their cause - this is not what I've seen on the streets of London. I've seen opportunistic crime being committed by people with smiles on their faces.

  26. Reply to Verde:

    Thank you for your kind words Verde. I am glad that my post has helped you express your feelings in such a passionate nature.

    I totally agree with your point about the pyramid structure of society. And yes it would be nice if we could simply spread the wealth of the population out to make things more fairer. But then do you not think that we may stop individual ambition? It is that ambition and drive that makes us the nation that we are. Of course we are all born into different circumstances, some better than others. But I believe that one should not be judged on that which they have been given at birth, one should be judged by what they have achieved at death.

    Life isn't fair, that is something we have to accept - but if you start out life at a disadvantage you shouldn't just accept it for what it is, you should strive for better and do all you can to change your circumstances. There are many people who have worked themselves out of the 'lower class' - maybe these rioters should looked to them for inspiration. And no matter how poor or rich you are there will always be someone poorer or richer. Let's not forget that these people live in one of the greatest cities in the world. We are not talking about Somali's starving over in Africa.

    To say that some people are doomed to a certain fate is wrong. Life is what you make of it. If you grow up in a bad home with no love or compassion that alone should make you want to be better for your children. If we all learn by the mistakes of those who have gone before us we will or be better for it.

  27. I think this article sums things up pretty well...

  28. I,am proud of your statements it takes BALLS to write the truth and some arseholes can't take the truth. I grew up with you Mother and i can see you have a lot of your mum in you. Charlie

  29. Hello again Sam.

    I'm from Portugal and I do not care for 'nations' as they are obsolete concepts of differentiation and separation. Therefore I have lost most if not all patriotic feelings. From personal experience I know I can connect with many different people from different parts of the world. Even with Americans! (ahah funny but true story!) So for me I see planet Earth as a bigger Nation. An INTERNATION. There was a time when tribes connected and formed a village, then later a town... then ultimately a country. I hope we never think we know it all, and I wish that everyone has the openness to see we are all the same, not matter the color or belief.

    The past belongs to the past, it does not exist anymore, nor does the future yet exists. The only thing there is is the present. This ENDLESS NOW. And ALL OUR LIVES we're taught to focus on the future and remember the past. Work, work, work, so you can have a better future. Then the Future comes and, as Eckhart Tolle would say, "It's the now again!". You might say this is all very philosophical, but it's not at all philosophy. Philosophy belongs to and is limited by the mind. That's why all philosophers are/were limited and confused, and also why most spiritual gurus aren't.

    This brings me to your next point: 'ambition'. Ambition is a constant state of wanting. It does not make you at peace in the NOW. I mean I have ambitions too sometimes, I'm human and I have a mind! Sometimes my mind would like me to become, like yourself, a successful music producer. But ambition is also 'only' of the mind. I do not identify with it. I not my nationality, I am not my job, I am certainly not my ambition, and I am most surely much broader than that. All life is much broader than mind. And that is the true realization that ALL of our generation is bound to experience, if they are open enough and have the chance to come across it. The ancient eastern cultures (and others!) have been saying it for thousands of years... and it is true! Many have and are experiencing pure peace of mind and liberation from the rational-centered lifestyle of the western societies. It is a real blessing.

    So to me ambition is good, because every lesson of life is a path, and you have to walk the paths, right? So if you ambition to be 'at peace', it will take some time, patience, and dedication. But I see it very important not to identify yourself as 'ambitious'. Just say your MIND is ambitious. And know that your mind is only a tool. It is your slave. You, your consciousness, are the real master. And as most people don't realize this, they begin to really identify with their minds and their thoughts, and when this happens (the master goes to sleep and the tool/slave takes control) it is very dangerous. All sorts of things happen. War, hatred, pain, riots... all caused by unfortunate sheer identification with the mind. So if you say "I'm ambitious", doesn't this mean you are constantly and always in a state of wanting more and more and more and more? Be glad for the present moment. It is the only moment there is. (Have you ever been in a moment that wasn't the 'now'?)

  30. Continued...

    - BE ambitious and you'll loose all your present to continuously be working for a better future. By then, you'll want something else, guaranteed!

    - HAVE a little ambition in your mind, and you'll know it is just your mind, not you. So now you can both BE at peace and entertain your mind with new challenges.

    Please don't get me wrong. I LOVE to create! I'm sure you do to! That's the fun of life! But fun is also only of the mind, although it connects us to the spirit by making us feel good. And that's ok, as long as it's not just your Ego swelling up.

    I'm losing track of the length of my comment once more, and again I apologize for that. And maybe you think this is too far fetched and has nothing to do with your original post about the riots. For me, it has everything to do with it: it is the epicenter of the problem, and it is here that the global shift of consciousness is needed.

    I agree with everything you said and truly respect your point of view. Don't take my comment as an argument because it is not. We totally agree. My effort is only to show a broader perspective of this very narrowed-down event(the London riots) which is a perfect example of the Earth's global illness.

    More Love.

  31. Wow....quite a post there More Love - ambition does not equate to never being satisfied - as long as you remember that life is a journey and not a destination then there is no reason why you can't be ambitious. Ambition doesn't equate only to financial or material matters, you can have an ambition to be fitter, healthier, a better parent, to be more charitable so I think ambition is a good thing.

    We need radical, challenging and creative thinkers to come up with new ideas and not Daily Mail rubbish about locking everyone up - we all know that a short sentence will do absolutely nothing. Unfortunately the climate in this country puts down any people who wish to air their views if those views do not conform to the politically correct way of thinking we have all come to expect and accept and I think this is really dangerous and will only serve to boost the numbers of facist organisations such as the BNP!

    The "squeezed middle" in this country are those who need to raise their voices and be heard but let's have some practical suggestions for solutions and not more analysing and pontificating!

  32. "Do you think that if we gave all these people a new TV, some speakers, maybe some clothes, that they would go off and be happy. No." - you answered my question, it's not about the material goods in themselves, it's about something more, its something political

    the riots are insanely political in nature, as they relate to, affecting acting according to the interests of status or authority within this very ill society!! within capitalism (which uses economic violence against its people!!) ownership and protection property take up 80% of law, thus the buying, sell and even theft is a political statement whether intended or otherwise! If you unhappy with the system you live, and it refuses to adapt for your needs, while mistreating and ignoring you, why not take to the street and FUCK SHIT UP!!

    bankers get bailouts and big bonus for causing a economic crash, when a student with no record gets 6 months in prison for looting a pair of trainers!! which one do you think is more detrimental to society?

    Violence is never mindless!!! Most people don't just wake up and say I'm gonna loot and burn down shops for a laugh, there is a process of societal frustration, that has built up to force people to do "horrific" acts, but why not have a laugh doing them!

    its a robin hood mentality, hoodys robbin yo' 'hood, and giving to the po'r :D [he intellectual property of G! inc. all rights received]

    Never really considered the riots to have a racial element until I read this... and the ridiculous and willing ignorant racial bullshit you spat out!! I'm so shocked you are concerned about the BMP, from reading this post, I thought you were part of the BMP!!

    @Verde "...we all have orgasm," ? *gags violently* discussing!! and there is much a thing as Anorgasmia!

